Friday, May 03, 2013

Home Again, Home Again

It seems that the neurologists have finished their testing and the cardiologists are working to bring up Dad's heart strength before they release him from the horsepistol (that's hospital for you lay readers). Preacher Bro said Dad is feeling well enough to be ready to get released, although I am sure he understands their concerns. You know how it is when you are better but not well. Keep our family and Dad in your prayers.

I am home again today watching the GRANDS. Lyndsay's G-mom is still growing weaker, but not ready to go Home yet. Keep the family in your prayers. The GRANDS and I don't have any real plans, so I'll just play it by ear. And when they start singing and playing the piano, I play it by blocking my ear. Still, it is a sound of happiness and that's fun. Jack enjoys it, though.

Speaking of being a grandfather, it is a lot different from my fathering days. As is often said, now I understand why I became a parent. So that I could become a grandparent. Still, we do see things differently now.

And now I'll throw you into confusion because here I am reading a paper while one of my princesses plays, taken last April...

Mickey's Playhouse is on the telly as I type. The girls are playing Handy Manny's Green Planet Show on Jack is still asleep. Kendall ate breakfast. Nothing yet for Bella and I.

The first paragraphs reminds me of the language invented by my brother and his friend a few decades ago. Remind me to tell you about it sometime.

Also, NZ Niece, I have to wonder if it's a good thing or bad that my photo looked like your daddy (my Architect Bro). Maybe it's an insult to him, huh? Still, our genes are certainly related, right?

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