Friday, May 24, 2013

Remember our Veterans on Monday

And remember that we have several in the family,so thank you to each of you. Thanks to your service, I have the freedom to write silly things every morning.

Remember that Dad went to the ENT doctor this morning? It sounds like she might not be the appropriate person to treat a real inner ear problem. We'll all have to see where this ends up.

So, remember that black room earlier this week? Well, it's no longer black. Check it out.

Remember that photo of the buildings in Edinburgh the other day? Well, here is a cool photo montage from one of our hotel rooms in London. I thought it looked pretty cool, and that I might try to do one myself. Yeah, I didn't do that, but I can share the inspiration photo with you.

Remember that I usually tell you what I am watching as I write the post each evening? Tonight, I am watching Mindy. I think that is a funny show. She has a unique sense of humor that is unlike most other sitcoms.

Remember what we haven't done that we were planning to do? That's correct. We haven't gotten around to juicing (except for that one time I did it to use up the rest of some fruit and broccoli from the fridge. Ali reminded me, so maybe we can pick up some fixings this weekend.

Remember that we have a team event Friday afternoon. We are going to paint a sunset kind of scene. Here, I'll just show you.

Remember now? I hope we have a good time. There will be ten of us working on the same image.

OK, it is bedtime. Y'all have a good extra-long weekend. I'll be back on Tuesday. Remember to read it then.

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