Thursday, May 02, 2013

When It Rains...

On Tuesday afternoon or evening, Dad had a stroke. He is in the hospital and we do not know the full extent of the damage yet. We are waiting to hear. Preacher Bro and family and Mom are there with him.

I am staying home with the GRANDS today as D-I-L deals with the pending Homegoing of her grandmother. Right now, I am typing this and watching the news, Kenz is jumping on the couch, Bella is playing on the other computer and Jack is down for his morning nap. We had breakfast earlier, and we've already had a morning snack.So, guess what today's CoV is about.

Since we did not have a CoV or photo yesterday, let's have both today. Here is a shot of MBH and me before Casey's wedding.

Other than that, nothing is going on with us. What's up with you?

OK, it seems I need to let Kenz have this computer, so my time is up. Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

I like the picture. I think you look like architect bro in it and I also think that looks like architect bro's mantle. In fact I did a double take b/c he used to have a painting that looked that on his mantle that looks like that.