Thursday, May 09, 2013

No Time To Talk..Gotta Watch TV 'Cause My DVR is Getting Full

We went over to Dad's for the final Wednesday Survivor Night. Another blindside. This has been a crazy season.

Oh, I started an online University of Phoenix class today in preparation for the cert test later in the summer. I am not sure what I think of the course, but it does get me back into schoolwork. Maybe I'll take another course soon?

[Thursday thoughts] First, though, I've got to get through this class. Luckily, I woke up this morning with an idea on a direction for the first two Discussion Questions. So, once I finish publishing today's post, I will knock that out before beginning work.

Do you use home exercise equipment to actually work out or a another place to store things?

This ad for Audi is really clever. You might even say it's "Fascinating." I really liked it.

One of my favorite books ever is Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I think I have read everything in the series, but this one is the original and is excellent. Now, it looks like they are making it into a movie starring Harrison Ford. They have released a trailer and you can watch it here.

I like this shot of Edinburgh Castle from a few years ago. You can see the castle in the upper left, towering above the city. I like the dominance of the castle above the clutter and crowdedness of the city below.

Bones is on TV as I write tonight's entry. The only problem with watching while I write is that I get involved in the blog and don't hear much of what they say.


The Grandparents said...

That Audi ad was really fun.

Lindsay Ward said...

From my time in Scotland, I didn't realize you could see the sky...ever. It was so rainy and cloudy the entire time we never saw the top of the castle and we were told there was a mountain you could see from town...I still don't believe it.