Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Belated Mommy's Day

Well, I did wish all of you a Happy Day last Friday, but maybe some of you missed that post. Now, we've been through it and I want to help you remember what a good time you had. I know we did. We started by keeping JV Saturday night. He was in a good mood and we had a great time. Then, after church, D-I-L had a brunch for family that included chicken and beef and salad and mashed 'taters and gravy, and something else but my mind is gone. I ate too much...and then it was time for dessert. Homemade blueberry cobbler and a brownie trifle or something like that. I ate even more on top of my way too much. I even skipped dinner last night.

Afterward, we swung by and visited with my mom for a bit to wish her a Happy Mom's Day and give her a couple of small gifts. She is doing well and we had a nice visit. Dad is doing very well too, by the way, but it wasn't his day, so that's all the press he gets.

Before Mommy's Day, though, we attended the funeral of D-I-L's grandmother on Saturday. It was a wonderful service and so uplifting. I'd like some of those things done at my funeral someday. By noting it here, maybe I'll come back and see this and make some notes.

Speaking of liking something, did it sound as if I pronounced 'like' correctly?

No photo because I am doing my blogging at the office. I was too busy doing classwork last night. Today, though, I need to make a decision if I want to continue with the course I just started last Tuesday. I will explain a bit more tomorrow.

Did you watch the finale of Survivor? We liked who won. We will watch the after-show interview another night. It was too late to stay up last night.

Are any of y'all juicers? We are thinking of doing it, at least on a trial basis. Teacher Daughter has a fellow teacher who will loan us her juicer to see if it works for us. So, if you do it, do you make up your own juice blends or is there a website you frequent?

Listen, I have to go post my final classwork and then make my decision about the future. Stay tuned.

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