Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I Get An Incomplete For Yesterday

I had bigger plans than I was able to complete. Let's start with those things I did do. I did lead the first hour of Chorale practice last night. We had a good time and I think they actually remembered some of the sections we worked last week. We made it through 7 of the 8 songs I wanted to work.

I tried to apply for the Blue Cross Blue Shield job (and reworked some of my resume to match the posted job requirements), but it is apparently only posted internally right now. I dropped a note to my contact to see if she can find out if I can even apply yet. I did apply for one AMEX PM job, but the other two I had been eyeing are not currently posted. Maybe they were filled? I also logged into to see other posted jobs, and I see at least a couple that I might be interested in, so that's a positive.

I also started my study of Nehemiah 10, but the J. Vernon McGee book did not have much on that chapter. So, today, I will check out the interweb and see what I can find, and I will work on my answers to the questions in the McArthur study guide.

I finished the laundry, too. And I mailed our early ballot votes. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that my disappointment in the washer is that the tub is (at most) two-thirds the size of the previous washer. So, I put in two sets of sheets and the tub was full. It does finish 15 minutes quicker per load, though. Oh well, I will just do more loads of smaller size.

I am picking up what you are putting down. You are thinking, "Wow. He did so much. What did he not do that he said he would accomplish?" I did not get as far on job applications as I had hoped, and not being able to apply for the BCBSAZ job was really sad, at least so far. And I will need to slide my Yellowstone and profiteroles stories until tomorrow because I don't want to talk too long.

But wait. You say you want a photo before we go? I have a couple that I will share. Here is JV+KLIK at Vertuccio Farms this past Saturday.

And a photo from Telluride. This woman was making a painting of the path leading into the woods that you can see out over her shoulder. She said the shadows had shifted from when she started, but you can see the composition and what drew her to this scene.

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