Monday, October 08, 2012

Starting a Work Week Without Starting Work

OK, we made it through the weekend in cooler country with no untoward circumstances. No snow, though. And we are after the peak colors, but there are still pretty areas. In fact, here is a shot of Lizard Head Peak from the road south of Telluride.

We played Wits and Wagers last night. Sure, it is my game, but I did not win a single hand. I think we played five rounds.

Lunch was at Baked in Telluride. We always look at what places exist, then end up back there. We hit Buen Tiempo for dinner. Mmm, good. Now the food may or may not be better than Mexican food back home, but this is Mexican at 9000 ft, and on vacation, so it was really tasty.

Throughout the day, we got caught up in a discussion of words that people pronounce differently. Do you correct them if you hear that? Do you change your pronunciation to theirs? An example is homage; is that pronounced oh-maj or ah-mehj? There were other words in our discussion, but you get the idea.

Today, we are heading to Owl Creek Pass, always one of our favorites. I hope there are some colors out there.

OK, I need to get ready to go. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

In NZ, they pronounce the "t" in fillet. And then of course there are numerous "odd" pronunciations based on how they say their vowels differently.