Friday, October 05, 2012

High-Flying Folks

Well, they are not actually flying yet, but they head out soon for CO. And we leave tomorrow. I checked the weather and the highest temp during the next week is 62°F. That sounds really nice.And rain is possible 3-4 days. We are cooler today, though, reaching only 96°F.

Did you ever wonder where my CoV inspiration comes from? Yeah, me, too. Yesterday, someone asked why I wrote about a NJ accent. I really have no idea. Today's CoV (#820, BTW)came from someone suggesting I do a CoV about coming up with CoVs.

Today is my last day of covering for Pat. She returns on Monday. So, I need to really complete all my documentation for an efficient handover. I think I am pretty much ready.

I had hoped to get my camera cleaned before heading out to Co, but that did not happen. No, there is no problem with anything right now, but I know I have been through some dusty locations in the past and the camera and lens have never been cleaned. So, I thought I would be proactive, but I never got around to it. It'll be fine.

What does all this mean to you? Well, my blog posts could be less frequent, will probably be posted at night, and could include a photo or two. I also means I will not have access to Microsoft Visio and there will be no Clarity of Vision.

So, I need to put on my work face and start knocking out my final tasks for the week. I will see you when I see you.

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