Thursday, November 01, 2012

All Saints' Day Means Halloween is Over

I heard back from my friend at Blue Cross Blue Shield and found the link to apply for the Supervisor job. So, I did apply for that yesterday. I have not heard back from any of the positions for which I have already applied. I searched this morning and see a PM job at ASU. That would be good because I could work towards my Masters. It may not pay as well as a private company, though. Still, I pray that God will lead me to where I should be right now.

As I find interesting concepts about photography styles, I will share them with you. For today, I recently saw an article about making a photo have the Orton Effect. So, here is a shot of my better half in Telluride tweaked to use this effect.

I found some links giving me info about Nehemiah 10, including some sermons. This John MacArthur study guide has some questions in it, and last time, I did not make it through all of those, so I think my primary goal for today is to gather those answers. Example: What circumstances motivated the Israelites to make and sign a written agreement?

A few months ago, I replaced the action on the guest bath toilet with one of those two-button affairs so you use less water on liquid waste than solid. However, the buttons are a bit difficult to press, and even more so for the GRANDS, so I will put a standard lever flush back on it. Maybe today. I said maybe.

Speaking of GRANDS, Lyndsay put a photo of them up on Facebook yesterday. They looked so cute. No, we close our door, turn out the porch light and do not give out candy or anything. In fact, during prime time, we were at the folks' for Survivor Night. Yes, the folks' do give out candy, at least until later when the bigger kids start their trick-or-treating. Here are the GRANDS in full regalia (as downloaded from Facebook).

Cinderella and Merida

And a monkey.

Before we end this, let me tell you a story. A number of years ago, Dad carried much of the family on a cross-country trip. We drove up to Yellowstone, across to Mt. Rushmore, down to Sioux Falls, and back home. It was a great trip with some 20 of us. Anyway, while we were at Yellowstone (some 1000 miles form home), we were walking between geysers and I heard a voice that sounded a lot like Kim, a guy I used to travel to the UK with. Sure enough, I went back and it was Kim. He is about 6'5" and I didn't even see him, but I recognized his distinctive voice.

This blog post is long enough already, so the profiterole story gets slipped one more day. Plus, maybe that will help build suspense. However, as you saw from the above story, even at their best, they are just not that exciting.

Did you vote yet? If you have a ballot already, better get it in the mail by tomorrow morning so it will count. Come on, sluggards.

Thanks for reading. I'll be back tomorrow to share whatever comes to mind. Hey, comments are always welcome.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Guess what? I'm in Kuala Lumpur. Being in Malaysia made me think of you and granddad. I know granddad traveled here but did you as well or was that just an odd thing a young child associates? This is my first time in Asia and I can't wait to come back...not for work!