Monday, October 29, 2012

An LMW Weekend

Yes, we spent the weekend celebrating our daughter-in-love's birthday. Maybe a better way to say it is that we had a great weekend with JV+KLIK that included a birthday celebration. Our first stop was Vertuccio Farms for the pumpkin festival. We took our turns bouncing on a huge bouncy hill. Check out Birthday Girl and Nana up in the air.

Then, we took the girls to our house for a little pre-celebration rest. You can see Nana and JV taking a little siesta here.

We then headed to bowling (one price for two hours of bowling. Our fingers and arms gave out before the two hours was spent). Here are Mama and son after she rescued him from KDW who was threatening to use him as a bowling ball.

That evening, we had a birthday party at Phyll's place, but I took the photos with LMW's camera, so I cannot share them here. You might see them on Facebook at some point.

And on Sunday night, it was time for the annual pumpkin carving ceremony at JV+KLIK's place. We used a carving kit for designs and tools (although the tools did not make it through the night). Here is the final result on the porch.
You may have noticed the less-than-detailed face on the pumpkin on the right. That was carved after the tools bit the dust.

What's up on the job front? Nothing new in email, but it was a weekend. I will redo my resume to focus on management skills and submit it to Blue Cross Blue Shield. And I did get one more lead from a guy at Apollo (but it is not for a job within Apollo, so don't worry). And I promised a former Motorola coworker that I would give him some feedback on his resume. I may share a couple of funny stories about him in my next blog post. Remind me to talk about Yellowstone and profiteroles.

Did you vote yet? Ours are being mailed today. For those of you that have jobs, you may not like voting early because you don't get one of those stickers that says you voted today. For me, no one would see it anyway.

OK, I don't want to say anymore so that I will have some topics for tomorrow. Remind me to talk about directing Chorale last week and the disappointing thing about our new washer.

1 comment:

Keith said...

If you were in Pahrump, NV, you would get one of those "I voted" stickers for early voting. We did vote yesterday during the early voting period at the courthouse. Just one more reason to consider Pahrump!