Friday, October 12, 2012

An Old Abandoned Bridge Kinda Day

Kathie decided to enjoy her coffee in the cool outdoors before our day began.

Here is what she was watching.

Remember that I told you that Preacher Bro and Dad were looking for a old mining bridge in the mountains (while I was waiting to play a game)? Well, it turns out that they found it. We parked off the road and hiked down 350 ft (which is a challenge at 11,000 ft). Here is my first glimpse of it. You can see that Dad beat me down there.

I thought I would capture a less-common view at the bridge and went for this close-up.

After we finished hiking, we came back to town to see the Museum. It was very interesting (maybe I'll share some photos some day). Dad bought a book about mines in the area and Preacher Bro caught a shot of them looking at his new purchase.

We ended the day at True Grit Cafe in Ridgway. As you can imagine, there is quite a bit of John Wayne memorabilia there. He filmed True Grit in the area and involved a number of locals in the production.

We played Encore last night before bed, but our brains and imagination were ready to shut down.

It is raining this morning, so we are still deciding what to do. Some new snow appeared about 12,000 ft, so I'll capture some more shots for a future post.

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