Thursday, October 18, 2012

Five and Seven and Twelve

If the title of this post makes you think of math, you are probably a major geek. Yes, it is true that 5+7=12. If you saw it as a four-letter word, then a five-letter one and a six-letter one, you are some kind of savant and should not be wasting brain cells on this blog. If you have no clue what the title implies, I have an unexpected announcement.

One Tuesday afternoon, I lost email access. Weird. Then, I found out that they laid off my boss and that none of his team could get into the company network. I saw the writing on the wall at that point. Do you see it? Sure enough, we were called into a meeting at 10am Wednesday morning and told that our team was no longer needed. The company lost 60% of its profits since the year before and some 800 people were being let go, including us.

So, that also puts Clarity of Vision in jeopardy since I do not have Microsoft Visio at home. I know. That's almost worse, huh?

Interestingly enough, this blog started in 2005 (hence the five in today's title) when I was let go from my job of 23 years. I found a job in 2006, but the job was again eliminated in 2007 (are you figuring out the title now?). So, I am again on the job market in 2012.

You know what? It is just a job. There are so many worse things that could happen. I am cancer free for five years this month, so I have my health. I have a loving Christian family. I have friends that are already reaching out. I have a church family that I like. I have a God who tells me that "All things work together for the good of those that love Him, who are called according to His purpose."

It's not all bad. Here's a reminder of the beauty we got to enjoy on our vacation last week. See, that red leaf is no longer on the tree, but it still is something that a hiker can value. Even so, I still have value and God will lead me to a place where I can contribute. Yes, I am glad that I did not know about this layoff before the trip.

Sure, I am a little depressed. I thought it would be interesting to chart my progress from 2005, so I will end this post with the same paragraph I ended my very first post with.

Am I hurt? Of course. Am I crushed? No. I need to look to the Lord for guidance and support. I should rephrase that. I WILL look to the Lord. Luckily, Kathie is there to comfort and support me when I forget who is really in charge

1 comment:

Lewis said...

Man, that is terrible news on the job front. And what a shock as you just get back from a vacation (I did enjoy the pictures by the way). I just get the sense that you have a unique combination of brains, skills, personality and experience that many companies would find very valuable. Get energized, stay positive, update the resumue, get out there and "pound the pavement". Actually, I guess people don't really "pound the pavement" anymore, but you know what I mean. Good luck and keep us informed.