Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Final Day With R&D

Monday was our final day with R&D. So, we wanted to travel somewhere that would have maximal color and minimal hiking. Well, we didn't really discuss hiking, but we did want to find some fall colors. So, we went up to Owl Creek Pass, a familiar and favorite locale. And we did find some nice yellows and gold among the aspen. They were much more vivid when the sun was out. Here, take a look.

Denise had asked that I take some photos of the "stems." So, I caught a couple of white aspen trunks on the left of this shot. I think that is what she meant by "stems." My better half thought this shot looked like a painting.

We ended up eating a picnic lunch in a turnout on the trail because we took so long traveling because Preacher and I kept stopping every 10 ft for a "must have" picture. And where we stopped (Stealey Mountain Trailhead) was actually a nicer place for picnicking anyway.

Let's see. To keep up the "foodie" portion of the commentary, we had dinner at the cabin (K&K made chicken fajitas) and Sara Lee cheesecake with fresh blueberries and raspberries for dessert.

Then, to wrap up a practically perfect day, we played some games. We played Racko, Tetris, Golo (golf dice), and Five Crowns. All but Golo are card games (yes, even Tetris). I asked Dad which was his favorite, but he allowed as how it was the experience of a family gathering that was memorable more than the outcome of any specific game. Yeah, I've gotta agree.

As I write this, it is Tuesday morning and R&D had to fly back to Big D. Too bad. It has been a great few days. As for the rest of us, we are trying to plan today's travels. It sounds like we are heading towards Lake City either today or tomorrow, but we will certainly head east from here. Rain is forecast, but we won't let that stop us.

OK, you've been more than patient with my ramblings, so I'll let you get to whatever you need to do today.

No, I decided to share one more shot from Colorado 10 (the road to Owl Creek Pass). Here you go, Nisey. Check these stems.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

I love the top photo...not that the bottom one isn't nice as well!