Monday, October 15, 2012

What About My Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Clothes?

One year, we came home from a summer vacation to find that our A/C had gone out. That was not a pleasant homecoming. Luckily, the folks took us in until we could get it fixed. This year was not so traumatic. We had a week's worth of clothing from all three of us and...the washer is broken. So, I have begun the search for a replacement. Meantime, we may have to hit a laundromat. Why not the folks? It looks like 7-8 loads, and at 45 min per wash, and 30-40 min per dry, that's a full day. It might have been doable on a Saturday or Sunday, but not a weekday. At a laundromat, we can load them all at once and knock it out in a couple of hours. KDW bought his set from Craigslist. I don't know. Maybe.

No vacay photos today. However, since I am back at work. there is a CoV.

I don't know yet how far behind I am. Of course, Monday is my busiest day anyway, so today may not really tell me how many additional tasks are pending. I just checked my calendar and it shows the usual mess.

Before I let go of vacation-related ideas, though, I have a question. What signals the end of the vacation for you? Is it reaching the state border? Is it a sign that says 60 miles to your city? I think for us, at least coming back from Ouray, it is our final stop at the DQ in Holbrook for a Blizzard. We usually fill up there and, lucky us, there is a DQ right next door.

Are you tired of the political assaults? I'm surprised they can pause for a photo opportunity with all the mudslinging going on. However, the President did make time, but might have missed a detail or two.
My phones usually have the cord on the bottom. And who is hiding under the desk?

OK, Monday is here. We both have work to do. Why are you sitting around reading this? Let's make it happen.

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