Monday, April 23, 2012

Pre-Dentistian Musings

That's right. I have my next tooth activity here in 30 minutes. They will prepare that troublesome tooth from last week for a crown. It should be quick and painless. Of course, that is what I thought last week.

What with teeth and grandsons, we have not been as diligent as we should about going to exercise. We plan to correct that tonight, heading back to the YMCA after work.

I am looking forward to the release of The Avengers movie. I remember those comic books from my childhood. I do wonder, though, if the political process can bend something like a movie into an opportunity for their own purposes. Here is the Republican pass at co-opting the movie poster. Democrat response tomorrow, OK?

After setting a record temperature yesterday at 105F, we are cooling back into the 80s this week. 105 is just too hot for mid-April. I do see, though, that some of you may also have faced higher temps in the past few days. I cannot say what is going on down in Kiwi-land.

Tonight will either be Crispy Ranch Chicken from the prepare-it-yourself place or chicken salad from Costco. We'll just have to see how we feel when we return from exercise.

Well, I need to brush my 'toofies' and use mouthwash in preparation for the dentist. Tomorrow should be back to normal with me writing this at my desk before the workday begins. See you then.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

It is getting cold in Kiwiland! I am having trouble getting used to the fact that it is April and almost winter. It feels wrong to be pulling out the sweaters at this time of year!