Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Cloudy Day All Around

It is quite cloudy this morning. There is a small percentage chance of rain today and a greater one tomorrow. I heard that it was an improvement for those who commute from the West side since the sun was not directly in their eyes today. I wouldn't know since I come in from the East.

It is also cloudy as to what Mom must go through to ease the pain in her lower back. They meet with the surgeon this afternoon, so maybe we will know something tonight at Survivor Feast.

After today's Clarity of Vision, the future of this comic could also be cloudy. Then again, I've never been one to shy away from questionable taste. Here. Decide for yourselves.

At home, I have been copying all my JPEG files (photos) to a stand-alone HDD (hard disk drive) so I can get control of them again. Ever since my iMac 27" died and I lost that iPhoto library, I have struggled to keep track of what photos I have, what books I want to create, which photos should be printed, etc. So, I am working now to consolidate everything and place photos on one 2TB drive and music on a separate one. The first step is merely to copy the files into a defined directory structure and then I can load them into a library like iPhoto and Photoshop Bridge or Aperture or some other one that I don't know about. Where I load them is cloudy right now.

What I hope is not cloudy is a continued future with this company, so I'd better start earning my keep. So, go grab a cuppa Joe and let's get going.

1 comment:

SuzieQ said...

I died? And I am propped up at work? I think Jim would like that since he gets more insurance money if I die at work...clouds are bad for solar power...