Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Following Program is Rated PG (Pretty Gross)

Well, I suppose the whole post is not gross. Only today's Clarity of Vision comic. Let's go ahead and take a look.

You may have heard that my grandson was born on Sunday. Mommy and Jack came home yesterday. He was 7lbs 10 oz and 21". He was born healthy and the delivery was uneventful. PTL. I do have some photos, but they are on Facebook. I did not remember to upload any for the blog and I cannot access Facebook at work. I'll try to do so tonight, although with Chorale practice, I might forget.

While they were at the hospital, I stayed at their house with Kendall and Isabella. We played games, played with battery-powered race cars, watched some TV, danced, jumped off the bed onto the floor (well, they did that, probably in disregard to normal house rules. Don't tell their parents, OK?), rode scooters (again, not me), played with the dog in the backyard. The first morning (Sunday), Bella made breakfast for us. Cereal, milk (I let them pour it, but I cleaned up the spills), a granola bar, and water to drink. That was nice of her. "Pops, I know you are tired, so you can sleep some more and I will fix breakfast for us. Can you get the milk? Can you get some napkins? Do you want a big bowl? Which cereal do you want?" It was cute.

Still, you can imagine that I slept quite well last night at home. I am not used to dealing with little girls 24x7.

I am not sure when/if a post will go up in the morning. I have a dentist appointment at 7am, so I will not be at work before 9ish.

Not much to say this morning. I have been "grandchilding" since we last talked. So, nothing else has really happened. I should be back to normal by next visit. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Funny comic, where did you get the idea? I knew some guys in high school who actually discussed the whole depends thing so they could drink all day and never get off the couch. I don't know if they ever did it though.