Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Coming Soon To a Neighborhood Near Us

OK, it looks as if Jack will join us on Easter Sunday, if not before. Whoo hoo. I know that I am ready. Well, maybe not as much as Lyndsay. My job is to stay with the GRANDS while the rest of the family joins L&K at the hospital. This is going to be great.

I know what you are thinking. How can anything be as great as getting to see a new Clarity of Vision every day? Well, thank you. Let's take a look at today's comic, although I would probably rather see Jack than a silly old, poorly drawn (although cleverly conceived) cartoon.

I have an app on my Kindle Fire called Fling!. I really like these puzzle games and this one has a nice twist. It is available for some smart phones, too, so check it out if you enjoy those types of games.

If Jack is really born on Sunday, we will not make it to the family gathering. So, in order not to leave you without a primary dish for the meal, here is the recipe for Green Bean Casserole.

2 cans (14 oz) French cut green beans (be sure to get French cut or French style. They cook more thoroughly)
1 can (10.75 oz) cream of mushroom soup
3/4 c milk
1/8 tsp pepper
1 1/3 c French's Onion Rings
Mix all ingredients except 2/3 c onion rings. Pour into buttered casserole and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Top with remaining onion rings and bake 5 minutes more or til onions are golden brown.

Gross. I have to drive over to another building for a meeting at 11am. This building has limited parking and they will tow cars. They recommend that we take the light rail over there. However, from this location, it is several miles out of the way to catch the light rail and it costs money. I guess I will hope there are spaces at 11 since maybe people will go out to eat.

Anyway, the workday is making noises around me, so I will join them. Tune in tomorrow to see if Jack is still waiting for Sunday.

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