Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Is the title a formula for disaster or success? Readf today's post and decide for yourself.

Did you miss me yesterday? No, wait. Don't answer that. I went for a root canal late Monday morning. After working on my mouth for over 90 minutes, the dentist announced he could not find the tooth canal and I needed to go to an endodontist. So, now my mouth is sore from the multiple Novocaine injections and drilling and being help open a long time, but I get an appointment for the next morning. So, yesterday, I went in for the root canal and this guy has a huge microscope that he looks through while working on my tooth. That was weird. After an hour, he finally finds the canal and completes the root canal. I got a prescription for pain meds and he warned this was going to be sore for a while. Today, it is sore, but I am back at work.

Dental work is no game, but today's CoV is about games.

We had one of the build-your-own meals Monday night. Chicken Mexicala. We both agreed that it was OK, but when we finished, we had eaten 13/16 of it (yeah, I chose that number because it was more than 3/4 gone, but seemed like more than 1/8 remaining). So, I guess we liked it. Tonight is Survivor, but I am not sure I will be able to eat something chewy like pizza. I'll think about it.

I did not hear from JV+KLIK. LMW did post a photo on Facebook, so I know all goes well over there.

I hope everything is going well for each of you. Hey, check out the new posts from LWW. It seems everything in NZ is going well, too.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

We live next door to a place called Mexicali. By your logic we like it b/c we eat there and our food is more than 3/4 gone when we are done. But we have said, it would be out of business in Texas in a matter of months!