Tuesday, April 24, 2012

More Dentitian Pain

Well, I had to endure additional oral discomfort yesterday as my dentist prepared my tooth for a crown. Since it was broken at the gum line, they had to dig into the gums to finish the work. So, I am feeling a little sore again today. Wow, I hope this is behind me. I go back in early May for the crown.

Of course, in the US, we have a president, not a king who would wear a crown. Still, it is only fair that he get a chance to respond to yesterday's Clarity of Vision, right?

Alison felt her job interview at a new school went well last night. Pray with us that the Lord will lead her to a job where she can grow and that she will enjoy.

We recently passed the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Apparently, a guy that my gooder half went to school with is a recognized expert on the Titanic and is in a large number of the documentaries made. He may have even been consulted on the James Cameron movie of the same name.

Since I could not chew last night, we did not have our Crispy Ranch Chicken. Nor did I feel up to exercising. And tonight is Chorale practice, so probably no big meal. tomorrow is Survivor night. Thursday we are heading out to Queen Creek for haircut and JC+KLIK. So, the earliest is Friday.

But that's enough about me. What about you? Anything happening there? Did you see LWW's comment that NZ is entering winter? That's weird, huh? OK, more tomorrow.

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