Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can You Refuse to Re-Fuse?

It looks as if Mom will have some vertebrae in her back fused together to end the lower back pain she is experiencing. Hey, if they had to go in a second time to do that, would it be re-fusing? Anyway, the real issue is that they cannot fit her in until July. So, we can only pray that the pain is manageable until then. Wow, that seems like a long time to be hurting, especially as seriously as it seems to be for Mom.

While you can refuse to read today's CoV, I did not refuse to write one. Here it is.
BTW, I did take the Influencer training yesterday and it was interesting, at least until I came up with the concept for the comic and had to write it instead of taking notes.

I certainly appears as if Alison might move to a new school next year. It is not official until the Board of Directors meets mid-May. So, another little prayer request there.

The way my hair grows, I know it is time (or maybe, past time) to get it cut when it resembles a toupee. Well, that time it now. That time! Whoo hoo. We are heading out to JV+KLIK for dinner and a haircut tonight. What? Don't you sometimes go out for dinner and a movie. Well, we go for dinner and a haircut, at least when LMW's mother, Phyll, is available. And, we get to see Jack.

My stupid Outlook on Mac is broken. It took over eight hours yesterday to reload my archived messages, and it is still not receiving new messages. Luckily, I have a way to run Windows programs on my Mac, so I am running Outlook via Citrix and it seems to be working. Oops. No, I just checked and I can see new mail, but cannot view all my archives. Arghh!

I guess I will call the Help Desk and get a new ticket going. I suspected yesterday that there would be more to this story. I hope your day is starting better than mine. See ya.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

So Grandmom is joining my club of the fused back cool kids....membership of 1 as of now.