Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It is 1123

No, it is not 11:23am or 11:23pm (at least, not as I write this. I suppose it could be at the time you are reading it). Anyway, this is post #1123. Some of you die-hard followers have read every single one of them. No? Has anyone except me? Well, regardless, I will keep writing it. It is my wish that you keep reading.

Speaking of wishes, let's see if the genie in the LAMP has granted any wishes today.

I also came up with an idea for tomorrow's CoV. This dude has started exercising and feels like it is already making a difference. Where would you take that concept? You can see if I did what you expected tomorrow.

A niece told me that I may want to finish all three Hunger Games books before I see the movie. She said there are a couple of spoilers if I haven't read it all. I am currently on page 80 out of 391 in the second book. I am not sure I will be finished in time. Hmm. Maybe I can take three hours for lunch today? No, probably not.

Hey, NZ family. Where are you? I am not seeing any updates. Has your plan for frequent updating gone 'down the gurgler?' (I Googled New Zealand phrases to find that one that means 'failed plan.')

I am glad no one brought in donuts today. I have a hankering for one and know that I would mess up my healthy eating if a chocolate iced donut called out my name.

Well, even though I do not hear a donut, I do hear some work calling out to me. Not as fun as a donut, but the pay is certainly better. Y'all come 'round again tomorrow, OK?

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

I really need to see the Hunger Games! I updated last night which would be your morning :)