Monday, February 13, 2012

Week Seven Already

We are already into the seventh week of two thousand twelve. Can you believe it? And I think I have had this stinking cold for half of those weeks. I dosed up with Nyquil and Dayquil all weekend and laid around as much as possible. We did have the GRANDS Friday night and much of Saturday, but my wife was up to the challenge and let me sleep late, gave them a bath, etc.

Saturday, we had a party at KLIK with good food and gooder desserts and several board games. I will get off my death bed for some gaming time. We picked up a Fruit Ninja card game that Isabella could play, so we played that a bunch. She did very well and beat me several times.

Speaking of unique ways that kids (or grandkids) hear things and interpret them as best they can...No, it did not go exactly like that, but I remembered this joke when I was thinking about Bella overhearing something at brunch and asking about it. When they ask you something like that, you go, "What? Where did you hear that?"

OK, let's get this party started. And by "party," I mean workday, which is the opposite of a party. And by "started," I mean stop procrastinating all the things still left to do, which is the opposite of what I want to do. And by let's," I mean exactly what I said. All of us. See you tomorrow, which is exactly what I mean.

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