Thursday, December 08, 2011

TV Teasers

So, we held our annual Survivor Party that we hold each week and provide our own commentary to the show. We were torn over who would be voted off the island, although we all wanted something to happen to add some drama. Then, during the teaser for next week, they showed us something that would be surprising and fun. However, surely they wouldn't really show us that and spoil the surprise, right? There's a catch. There always is.

We will be hitting Cherry St in Mesa on Friday night for their annual displays. It is a stretch of maybe 20 houses all decked out, with families sitting in the driveways sharing fires and hot chocolate and inflatable displays and lights. It has become an annual tradition. Afterward, the GRANDS will be spending the night. We will have a great time.

Speaking of time, what if you could have your own time machine? Would that be fun or was once enough? And what if it malfunctioned like it does in today's CoV?

It's a two meeting day. One is two hours and the other is one and one-half hours. That's, like, half of my day. So, including nap time, six hours of my day are gone. And if you add in the hour it takes me to write this blog, seven hours are used up, and I haven't even had my hot chocolate yet.

I'd best be underway. Does anyone say "I'd best..." anymore? Probably not, although maybe this will repopularize it. Anyway, I just traveled ahead in time and saw that I got behind in the afternoon, so I am going to start now to try and catch up. See you.

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