Friday, December 02, 2011

Iiiiit's FRIDAY!!

Yeah, baby. That's what I'm talking about. We made it through another week. Just four more and we will have also made it through another year. Just nine more years and we will have made it through another decade. OK, I think you have picked up what I am putting down.

Another thing you should put down is that sales flyer for whichever store you frequent. I know they have a Buy One, Get One Half-Off sale, but maybe that doesn't mean what you think it means (which reminds me of The Princess Bride).

I am having lunch with a friend from my Motorola days today. We are hitting Pei Wei. Mmm. My mouth is already watering. Is it lunchtime yet?

Oh, before I forget, I am now four years cancer-free. Whoo to the hoo. However, I am not really following the prescribed Mediterranean diet, nor doing the recommended exercise program. OK, let's focus on the success for now and not the myriad failures.

Only two meetings today. Whoo to the hoo number two.

I received my own copy of the coveted Walker Family Genealogy book this week. Nothing in there gives me a clue as to how my brain got so twisted.

I actually cheated on y'all. I snuck out between the last two paragraphs and responded to an email my boss sent yesterday. Did you even notice? I thought not. Will you notice if I just end this post and go do some prep work for the first meeting?

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