Wednesday, December 07, 2011

An Orchestral Pit

Is an orchestra pit the thing left behind when the orchestra leaves? Anyway, we practiced with the orchestra last night and it was a lot of fun. I don't think we had to run through any song twice. So, either we did really well or the director just wanted to get home early. However, with about 80-100 singers on the risers, it was pretty crowded.

Speaking of misusing words like implying an orchestra pit is anything like a fruit pit, here's another way to twist words.

I am attending a lunchtime meeting over across the freeway on how to attend classes at University of Phoenix. I know a lot of people have gotten their degrees from here, but I haven't taken any classes yet. They are supposed to explain the process and give us ideas on programs or individual classes that might be of interest.

Did I tell you that the instrument cluster in Ali's car is shot, but they can only work on it during a regular business day because they have to call the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) for help in configuring it based on what options were included in the Cavalier, so Ali will either have to borrow one of our cars for next week while hers is in the shop or maybe get it done on Friday when she is up for a Dr. appt? OK, that was as far as I could stretch that sentence. Did you get lost? I did.

We started watching The Sing Off Christmas special last night. There were some pretty cool arrangements. You know, it might be fun to see Ben Folds in concert some time.

I am ready to get today underway, so thanks for staying with me through that paragraph/sentence above. Have your people call my people and we'll do this again soon.

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