Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Eight Maids With Eight Candles

Yes, the title does sound like something from the memory exercises I am performing with my boss. However, it is simply a mix of the two themes in today's Clarity of Vision comic.

I am back in the office today after a few days at Disneyland with KLIK and K and C. We had a little bit of rain, but nothing like the horrible downpours of 2010. And it wasn't so cold as to be uncomfortable. We had a really good time. And by the way, the new flights they added to Star Tours are excellent. It seems random, so there is something different each time (based on the three times some of us rode it).

We also celebrated my birthday there. They gave me tickets to Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Oh yeah. I hope they do the Wizards in Winter song. Remember it from such videos as Wizards in Winter.

However, perhaps the most special gift is an audio book with Bella and Kendall reading Twas the Night Before Christmas. I know it took a lot of work to put together and I appreciate it so much. I wanted to share it with coworkers today, but Kathie put dibs on taking it first. Hey, wait a minute. It's my present!!

I have not loaded photos yet. I didn't really take that many. We were tired last night and I just did not take the time to work on photos. I barely unpacked.

OK, after missing yesterday, I am late on some items, so I need to work a bit. Thanks for noticing I was gone yesterday. Talk again tomorrow?

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