Thursday, December 15, 2011


It is Christmas party day for our department. Our VP has flown in from San Francisco. We have a White Elephant exchange during the party. It is a potluck. All is right with the world.

That does not mean, however, that I can blow off the rest of the day. Oh no. I really do need to work on a Roadmap. Why do I laugh when I say that. Probably because of this hilarious comic strip.

There is a trip planned to Disneyland for a select group of family members, including me. Part of it is to see the annual holiday decorations there. Part of it is to pick up some delicious ChocolatEars malted milk balls. they are disgustingly yummy and I will return with more than one box. Part of it is to celebrate birthdays for myself and Kendall.

I ran a little late today. You know what that means. I can't sit around flapping my jaws with y'all for as long. In fact, time is up. I see Thursday peeking around the corner, seeking my attention. I'll tell you about the party and which present I end up with tomorrow.

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