Friday, November 18, 2011

What Happened to Thursday?

Hey, people, I was out yesterday. Did you notice? I heard that a couple of you did. Thanks. I am still struggling with some kind of cold. It doesn't feel like flu (and I got a shot for it, so I hope it is not that) because I don't have fever. I have had a sore throat for a couple of weeks, and yesterday, it was a really bad headache. OK, enough of that. I don't want you feeling symptoms because I describe them so minutely.

One of those who noticed I did not post was my son, who wanted to let me know that... wait for it... can you guess the topic? My new grandchild is a boy! Whoo hoo! I wonder if they will choose Randy for his name? No, probably not. Hopefully, it won't be one of those could-be-either-sex names like Pat or Chris or Sue (remember the old song by Johnny Cash called A Boy Named Sue?).

Speaking of things you cannot tell apart, here's today's CoV.No, there was not one yesterday. I had this idea in mind, but I don't have access to Microsoft Visio at home, so I could not generate one.

Of course, since I was out, my boss needed something and I had not taken my laptop home. So, I am really behind today. I think I should work on that deliverable and knock it out first thing. I am sure I won't make it through my To Do list today, but I've got to try.

Have a great weekend, friends and family. We've always got next week.

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