Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kinda Like a Pre-Friday

We are off from work on both Thursday and Friday this week, so tomorrow is my last day of work for the week. That will almost certainly mean tomorrow will be my last blog entry for the week. And speaking of no work, there was almost no traffic either. That was pretty nice since I was running a little late today.

As promised, I do have a photo from the Greer, AZ North Pole Experience on Saturday. I don't know if Bella asked him or he volunteered, but they were allowed to see if Santa's beard was real (it was).
I woke up with two or three Clarity of Vision ideas today. Then, on my drive in today, I heard some of President Obama's speech yesterday on the failure of the Supercommittee to reach a compromise. They way he paused at strategic times to get a Republican dig in was brilliant and I decided to create a CoV about it.So, the other CoV ideas will have to wait. Although one of them is Thanksgiving related, so I need to publish it tomorrow.

An annual family tradition comes up on the Friday night after Thanksgiving. If you have ever been in the Valley with us at this time, you know I am talking about ZooLights.True, it doesn't change that much from year to year, but it is a fun time when we hang out as a family and it is always fun and pretty. We fussed the first year they started using LED lights because they weren't as bright. They have improved that now. We decry the loss of some lights and exult in new additions. The primary thing we evaluate, though, is the dancing lights section in the trees. They play some classical (or perhaps Christmas) music and the lights flash in time to it. That is usually the highlight of the visit.

OK, let's start the workday. Thanks for letting me reminisce.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the "zoo-lights" especially when they play [manhiem steamroller}style; i will be able to see with both eyes this year....as was a "pirate" for the last couple of christmas visits there. [happy turkey day!!] denise