Monday, November 28, 2011

Five Days In a Row?

Today's title refers to the fact that we have to work all five days this week. It reminds me of the Steven Wright joke about going to a 24-hour grocery and they were closing. He mentioned that their sign said they were open 24 hours, but the employee said, "Yes, but not in a row."

We had a busy, but good Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving meal at the folks' house. The Cowboy's played and won. The GRANDS spent that night with us so their parent's could hit the Black Friday sales starting at 10pm. ZooLights on Friday night. An Ugly Sweater party at KLIK on Saturday night. Church and a Cardinals win and Christmas decorations on Sunday.

I had to pull from my Clarity of Vision backlog for today's comic. I had been trying to find a post-Thanksgiving idea, but my brain was on holiday.

I am fighting a little cold or something. How about you? Did you make it through November without coughing or sneezing or post-nasal drip? I think my lovely wife and I keep passing it back and forth.

Well, I need to get my day arranged and prepare for an 11:30am meeting, so I will sign off. I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving and truly did give thanks to the One from whom all blessings flow.

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