Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to All (Turkeys)

Did you see how I twisted the title from Happy Thanksgiving to everyone to addressing it to the turkeys? Very clever. I surprised you, just as I try to do in my Clarity of Vision comics each day.
Thanksgiving meal at the folks' house tomorrow. Most of us Valley-based family will be in attendance. I am hoping we will have deep-fried turkey rather than the packaged, sliced stuff. It will be pot-luck style, with each family bringing different dishes. Mmm mmm. I can almost taste the tryptophan now.

So, do y'all get off early today? We have not heard anything, but I remain optimistic. Maybe I can get out of here by 3pm? If not, at least I have a job.

On the commute today, I heard an ad for Cabelas, an outdoor gear retailer, that I almost used for today's CoV. One of their Black Friday give-aways is a rifle. Another option is a hooded sweatshirt. So, I would have a mother and child in the store and she would be asking, "OK, Johnny. Did you want the rifle or the sweatshirt? Remember that it doesn't have a scope on it." or maybe "We'll take the sweatshirt. I'm afraid Johnny will shoot his eye out."

Let's get today's tasks done so we can get out of here. Have a great Thanksgiving with your family.

1 comment:

Lewis said...

I don't know if I am an "all", an "everyone", or a "turkey". I don't really care because I have 4 whole days off to decide. Happy Thanksgiving and say hello to the family for me.