Friday, November 04, 2011

Post-Picnic Stress Syndrome

Maybe I'm suffering from PPSS? I've got so much to do today and I don't really want to get started. The picnic at a local city park was fun yesterday. With my recent knee pain, I couldn't participate in soccer or sack races or hula hoops or volleyball. I thought about horseshoes, but didn't have a partner. So, I met with the old game crew and played Bang! I did not win. The Sheriff won. I was a Renegade. Well, yes, I am a renegade, but I played one in the game, too.

Some of our team is moving to a building where the cubicles are only 4 inches higher than the standard desk height. There are some obvious disadvantages to that. And here's a less-obvious one.

We are going to see Puss In Boots tonight with KLIK. And then, if it is not raining, we will go watch them play soccer in the morning. I remember when our kids did that. I hope the girls are better at it. Alison used to stand in the field and play with her hair, even as a ball would whiz by. Kyle always preferred basketball.

Meetings at 10am and 1pm. The morning meeting is a training session, and I have not built the training slides yet, so I'll go work on that so I can be ready. Have a nice, cool (finally) weekend. Buh-dee-yuh, buh-dee-yuh, that's all, folks.

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