Thursday, November 03, 2011

My Right Foot Felt Numb

Last night, the dog got me up to go outside. As I walked to the back door, I noticed that the sole of my right foot felt numb. I was only mildly concerned, thinking that it must have fallen asleep as I slept. Then, this morning, on the way to the shower, I noticed that lack of feeling again. OK, now it is a little more serious. As I stepped into the shower, it felt more slippery than usual. Midway through, I noticed that there was one of those clear size tags from new pair of jeans stuck to my foot. Yes, that was what made my foot not register feeling. Funny, huh?

OK, but was that funnier than this?

We have a department picnic outside today from 10am-3pm. I hope the pollen is not too crazy, although I don't know if my cough and sniffles are allergies or a cold. Still, it gave me an opportunity to wear jeans today instead of slacks, tennies instead of dress shoes.

Hey, did y'all see Survivor last night? This is indeed an interesting season.

I've got several things to complete before the picnic, and it has already distracted my mind, so I am out of things to say. So, y'all stop playing and go to work, I'll do some work until time to play, and things'll be back to normal tomorrow.

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