Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Are You Fixin' To Do Anything?

Today's CoV is built around my penchant for saying the word fixin' to mean about to. I believe I have lost much of my accent after almost 30 years, but some words or phrases are still part of my vocabulary.

I think I will go to Chorale practice tonight, but I will not be singing much. I still have a little cough and my voice is not recovered yet, so I will be going just to show I am still learning the Christmas music. I don't think I am contagious.

I just tried to sneak around the company firewall to open pinterest.com, but they blocked the sites that might have allowed that. Oh well. I didn't even go there very often, but there must have been enough of us across the company that it was worth blocking.

I am liking this cooler weather. Yesterday, our high was 61F. Today, it will only reach 66F, but will be back in the mid- to upper-70s for the rest of the week. Still, when I see the ugly freezing weather in the Northeast, I will accept this. I actually turned on my defroster this morning.

Oh, I don't think I told you that today's CoV is number 607. Crazy, huh? And it took, what, 2.5 years. So, I guess that is about 250 per year

I am still enjoying the TV show Once Upon a Time. Have you seen it? Pretty clever reimagining of fairy tales in the modern world. It is written by two former Lost writers, and you can see the similarity in the way they use flashbacks.

The lights in my dashboard don't stay on, so these dark mornings make it a challenge to stay near the speed limit. I thought I had a small keychain light in my lunch box, but the battery is dead and it is not replaceable. And the radio speakers don't work well on the right side of the car. And the faux leather in the seats is all cracked. However, it gets me to work and back, and it's paid for, so I'll live with it. Don't you have a car like that?

OK, it's time to look busy. Y'all have a great day. We can converse again tomorrow.

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