Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Don't Want To

For some reason, I am not in a bloggy mood today. I don't really want to take the time to decide what topics I want to cover and craft my sentences correctly. Plus, it seems Alison's car may be overheating, so I need to call her and see what the symptoms are. That pulls me away from being creative for y'all.

Danny White, a former Cowboys quarterback, does a commercial for AZ Pain Centers. In it, he says, "I have been in constant pain since I retired from the NFL." If you heard that, what would you think? I thought, "Then maybe you should not retire." That led to today's CoV (although I went with a player more people remember).

I went for blood work yesterday and go to the Dr on Thursday to confirm I am now four years cancer free. I will let you know on Friday.

OK, it sounds as if Ali's car has an electrical problem or something. The temp gauge showed maximum (and she only drove 4 miles), her gas tank sowed totally empty (even after she turned off the car), and she did not smell an overheating smell when she turned it off. She will watch it when she goes home this afternoon.

That's enough for a day when I don't feel like talking. Hopefully, I'll be back to chatting my fingers off tomorrow.

1 comment:

SuzieQ said...

Ummm. Apparently, Brett was a Viking next...the GB arch rivals...that was the year the Metrodome roof colapsed from snow, too...