Thursday, September 01, 2011

It's Really Hot Here

Not only is it hot outside (August average 109F, over 105F 26 out of 31 days), but it's hot inside. Our A/C unit will not cool below 82F. They said it should be fixed by Friday and let Facilities know if it is not. I will.

I took one of those DISC personality tests online yesterday. The rest of the org took a class about it while we were in Ouray, so I missed it. Anyway, I came out as an Influencer for both work and home, with Compliance being my #2 in both. My lowest scores came on the Dominance category. So, I am a people person who builds relationships, and like structure and consistency.

I also consistently publish a comic strip born of the way my mind works. Here's an example for today.

Oh, hey. I added a new photo to Pinterest. Someone made a wall covering out of individual pages from a book. Check it out if you want.

I am working on a challenge at work to let the metrics demonstrate the efficacy of a particular process. It means that I need to pull and sort the data in ways that are not fully tracked within the system. It might imply I need to always maintain an external spreadsheet in parallel to the system. Gross. Still, it is a fun exercise.

Plus, I do still have the 8:30am call today, and I have not generated the agenda yet. So, I cannot stay for breakfast. I'll just finish this cup of coffee and head out. OK, I don't really drink coffee, so I'll have another sip of water and leave.

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