Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 1 Done

No CoV, so if you are looking for that, you'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Well, my first day of the annual physical was fairly uneventful. That's good, right? All my numbers looked good. OK, not really all. My cholesterol numbers looked very good, so that means my medicine is effective. My other blood chemistry numbers were fine. The only thing out of whack is... wait for it... my % body fat. It is too high. No, that is not the only number that is weird. They measured me at only 5'11". Have I started shrinking? Maybe those two numbers are linked, and if I get my body fat back down, I'll go back to 6'?

Anyway, the Mayo Clinic gave me an exercise program and information about a Mediterranean diet. The Doc said, "Maybe it is stress related. Do you know anyone who is a CPA? They should be good at handling stress." I said, "Yes, I do." The Doc said, "Do you know anyone who runs and participates in triathlons? They should be good following an exercise program." I said, "Yes, I do." The Doc said, "Do you know anyone in New Zealand? They might have a good diet suggestion." I said, "Yes, I do. Well, soon."

OK, the Doc said none of that. Come on. Look at the time I posted this. I am obviously asleep and must just be dreaming about LWW. I am taking some medicine in preparation for this morning's test. It starts at 7:15am. Thanks to Dad for getting up early and driving me.

Did you watch Terra Nova last night? Me neither, but Kathie said she thinks I will like it. Did you watch NTSF:SD:SUV:: last week? I thought that was really funny.

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