Friday, July 29, 2011

Thirtieth Friday of 2011

We are 30 Fridays into 2011. Wow, the year is going by so quickly. One measure of that is Bella is already in kindergarten. I can easily picture all of the family at the hospital the night she was born. It seems like it was not long ago instead of over five years. And I remember when Kendall was starting to pull up on everything before she walked. We even added padding around the edge of our coffee table.

Let's see what is up with the Winners today.Hmm. It seems there is already trouble in paradise. Maybe that party name is not such a Winner. Duh.

I created a userid for the CAPM Project Management certification. We are getting closer, and I feel like there is still so much I don't know. We do have some sample test software that I will use during August that should help me identify where I need additional review. The test could change in September, so if we can, our sponsor recommends we take the test in August. I don't know yet.

As usual, I am writing this post at work and only now remember that I did not upload any additional vacation photos. I do have a video of several photos, but it is too large to publish to

I have a meeting with my current boss at 8am to talk about org changes and the future. I am still a little concerned about moving to a different manager, but maybe I will feel better after we talk.

Something yesterday reminded me of Hwa To, a card game from Korea that I brought back one time. I cannot find the cards (hey, it's been almost 20 years) and I have never found them available here, either. I should check or something. They were cool looking, too. They were small, maybe 1-1/2 by 2-1/2 inches, and a lot thicker than our playing cards (maybe 1/8 inch?). This is a low priority for me, but I will keep you updated if anything changes.

I'm sorry. Did you have somewhere else to be? I noticed you checking your watch (or iPhone or clock on the computer screen) several times in the last few minutes. I'll let you leave since something else is obviously more interesting to you than this post. No, it's fine. Just go. I'll be here Monday when you get back.

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