Wednesday, July 06, 2011

He's Baaaack!!

Actually, I was back in the Valley Saturday evening (just in time for the 118F temperature). And I was back at work yesterday, but did not have time to update my blog. Today, though, I am back to a more normal routine, including taking time to fill your head with useless drivel before we all start our days. Are you full of drivel yet? If not, let's keep going.

Some of the drivel involved a peek inside the lunacy that always seems to drive my Clarity of Vision comic strip. Today's cartoon involves a child's reaction to the concept of a half-sibling.No, I don't have any, but the words still conjure up the images I just presented. Well, they do to me, anyway.

I have to participate in an interview today 4pm-5pm. Gross, right? Well, not the interview or even the idea of an interview. I am talking about having to do that at 4pm. However, since we have to conserve electricity between 1pm-8pm, our house does start getting pretty warm about then. Maybe it is not such a bad thing.

I did not publish my last cartoon to the work crew. What do you think? Should I go back and send it to them? I have another idea also containing overt religious themes. I don't mind sharing that. I just wonder if the humor will make sense to them?

Did you hear about the dust storm last night? Kathie and Alison watched it roll in. It was almost two miles high and some thirty miles wide. It even caused the fire alarms at the airport to go off and greatly delayed landings and departures. It came and left while we were at Chorale practice, although we saw the dust during our break. You can see it here.

All this haboob mess means our humidity is really high. And that means that it is really uncomfortable here. Those people with swamp coolers must really be suffering. So, I guess now is when Phoenicians pay the price for our pleasant winters.

OK, have I driveled you enough? Let's call it a day, at least as far as blogging goes. You can be sure I will have more to write tomorrow.

Cabud, send me your email address.


Caleb said...

I sent it to you over Facebook. What more could you want?
While I'm not sure whether or not to post your previous cartoon for your workmates, I did find today's particularly amusing.

Anonymous said...

welllll its about time? vacation again...i will have one of "those" in a few more weeks; i had choir practice last night ( ranges between 6-8 people)at light in the desert. anyway....terry decided to do the song called "come now is the time to worship" with some editing,cancelling out measures, new key changes? i left my closing remarks of: "thanks terry for the most challenging choir practice i havent had in a while! should be fun to see how it turns out sunday morning...(told terry: i am telling randy what you did to me!!)at least i am "using" my gift instead of letting it collect dust on the shelf. yes, think you should lean right (towards some religious cartoons: like jonah and the whale)actually my kitten is named "jonah". keep up the great mind boggling thoughts? quotes...or secret hysterical remarks at times!! (patch