Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Successful Surgery

The surgery to reset the tendons in Kathie's pinkie yesterday went very well. She feels less pain than she did following the surgery to put the pins in following the accident. PTL, right? She feels well enough that I am at work today.

Remember that I had car trouble on vacation? No? I didn't mention it? I did, but we got the problem fixed while we were there. Now, Kyle had trouble while they are on a trip. Yep, it is now fixed. Does that mean Ali will have trouble now? Let's hope not.

Speaking of surgery, though, I decided to make a little fun of it in today's CoV.

No, we don't know what the changes at work imply going forward. I'll just keep doing my work and trusting the Lord that I am where He wants me.

After vacations and things, I have not kept up with my studying for the CAPM certification test later this year. I need to get back in the groove and keep reviewing the information. On the practice test we took on Risk Management on Monday, I only got 5 out of 10 correct.

Tired of reading yet? Especially since there are no pictures (I did not even think of loading any last night after the surgery). And if you move your lips while reading, you probably need to rest them for a few minutes. Let's end your misery and today's post. See you soon.

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