Thursday, July 07, 2011

Less Dust, But Still Too Much

We did not have another killer dust storm like Tuesday, but it still covers everything. Our asphalt parking lot at work is still a tan color. Both of our cars have a patina of brown. I worked a bit on the pool last night, but it still has a layer of mud on the bottom. Kathie cleaned to patio, so it looks reasonably clean. There is some extra dust inside the house. It is crazy, I tell you. Crazy.

I had to help with an interview yesterday, so I did not leave work until 6:20pm, after arriving at 6:15am. That is just too long. It's crazy, I tell you. Crazy.

One of the problems with creating my blog entries in the morning is that I cannot store personal photos on my work machine, so I don't have the vacation pics to share when I do a post. Yes, Kathie has posted some on Facebook, as have Lyndsay and Keith. So, you can catch them there, but I like to spice up my blog, too.

I can spice it up with a well written and drawn comic strip, though. It is not quite as picturesque, nor as relaxing, as southwestern Colorado, but I do have them stored on my work computer. Here's today's entry. That was crazy, wasn't it? Crazy.

Just two meetings today, but we do need to work on the charter for what our team will do following the reorganization at work. So, one of the meetings could run multiple hours.

As you probably remember, I have a call each Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30am, so I should get the agenda ready. I'll let you go before I drive you crazy.

1 comment:

Lewis said...

Glad to have you back. Pictures of the sand storm in Phoenix were amazing. You must have watched a Rodney Dangerfield movie on vacation. Crazy, I tell you.