Thursday, December 30, 2010

NYE is Nigh

It is not often that I have a post title ready before I start my post. And even more rare that I have multiple titles I want to use. Today's title was going to either be the one you see above or "It's New Year's Eve Eve." I chose the one you see because I saw New Year's Eve abbreviated as NYE in several articles on the interweb and I pronounced it "nigh." Yeah, you've been reading the blog for this long and you did not already know I was weird? So, anyway, Happy New Year's Eve Eve.

Let's go ahead and take a look at my final comic strip of 2010. Yeah, you've been reading the blog for this long and you still expect a funny comic? Dream on.

It is only supposed to reach 49F today in PHX. And it should go down to 29F tonight. What is going on here? It's craziness, I tell you. I had to wear a sweater. Well, I mean a sweater in addition to the rest of my clothes, not only a sweater.

I spent yesterday reworking some Excel dashboards for project tracking. I should finish that today and be ready for working a full five days next week. I could get used to these shortened work weeks. Couldn't you?

Did I mention that I still have a shot at that computer I saw on Craiglist? The dude wrote back with some instructions and I completed my first step, so now I am waiting on him again. He is in the UK (although his computer is in Central PHX), so I know there will be some timing logistics since he is 8 or so hours ahead of us. It is a 2.8GHz 8-core Mac Pro desktop with 6GB memory and a 1TB drive. That should get me through June 2011 or so, right? Whoo Hoo. Merry Christmas to me.

What else? Game night at KLIK for NYE (see first paragraph for NYE definition). Then, probably more games the next day at the folks. I did get four or five new games for Christmas, including Mille Bornes, Mad Gab, Nab It, Dutch Blitz, Phase 10 and one we just played Sunday but whose name escapes me. Oh yeah, Rage. Whew. I was getting mad because I could not remember the name.

Anything else for 2010? I have only heard one other person in the office today. This could be a lonely day at the office.

A hymn from the old Baptist Hymnal came to mind as a way to end our year...or maybe as a way to start the new one. I wish His blessings on each of you for 2011.
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord lift His countenance upon you,
And give you peace, and give you peace,
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you, be gracious,
The Lord be gracious, gracious unto you.


SuzieQ said...

We played Sort It Out on Christmas Day...have you played that one? Really random stuff, but a lot of fun when you get the order right!

Zachary said...

I had some guy on Craigslist claiming that kind of a story one time when I attempted to sell some 4 wheel drive parts, it turned out to be a scam. Hope your purchase works out for you, I love my 8 core MacPro!

Craig Weeks said...

I'm sorry that PHX has been hit by the global warming catastrophe that has beset us.

I love that hymn, especially a capella. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever heard it done any other way. My church choir sang it in the dining room at the Stagecoach Inn in Salado over 25 years ago after a meal. Yes, it made quite an impression on me.

Anonymous said...

what a computer being held for ransom? the drop is going to be in phoenix? hope it gets here sometime this year....the christmas card which had a gift card in it took 2 weeks to arrive in indianapolis. during this time (pats sister) called us 3 x during the week of christmas, on her last call the ? was asked: did you mail out cards this year & why didnt you send me one; which explains why the 3rd call was the charm/clue as to why she was calling. she received the card yesterday, had to tear up the new check to be sent which we didnt have the money for to begin with. God is still Good even when we get nervous of an unseen arrival. hope the mac arrives in good shape to you... brainiac!

CrazyUncle said...

ZKW, After talking to your Dad, it seems this IS a scam. I sent the details to craigslist and linked the MacForum page where this guy's name is listed. It shows the same deal posted in Baltimore (even though the bad guy is in London). Thanks for your timely warning.