Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Did I Cough or Sing at Chorale Last Night?

Actually, it was more coughing than singing. I tried to jump in on a few strategic phrases, but even then, my voice is not strong. I hope and pray I am weller by Sunday. Yeah, I said weller, as in more well. We practiced with the orchestra last night and it sounded pretty good in the church auditorium.

Have you heard people answer a question with "No, yeah..." or "Yeah, no...?" I certainly have, and decided to use it for today's CoV.
I picked up a book on reducing cholesterol and, if I read between the lines, it says "Stop eating everything you enjoy, eat more veggies, and walk faster." This is not going to be fun, especially when I am at Disneyland.

Only two meetings today, but they are scheduled to last four hours. That's like half my day.

Bella is in a production at church tonight, so we will go check that out. No, I am not sure what it is. Yes, I am sure it will be fun. I think they are feeding us beforehand, too. I bet it is all the things I should not eat.

Man, this cough is a drag. You can probably hear me wherever you live.

Let me think if there is anything else you need to know in order to have a good day? Nice weather here. How about your place? Christmas shopping is done. How about you? The master bath shower is leaking again. How about yours? Is your refrigerator running? Well, you'd better catch it. It just ran out the door. Ha ha. I am sure that joke is older than me. That's right. They had jokes back then.

I need to go get some hot tea. I am not much of a coffee drinker. That will soothe my throat for a while. Don't wait for me, though. Go get your own tea. I'll stop back by tomorrow...hopefully coughing less.


Zachary said...

Enjoyed today's CoV, keep them coming. I don't get to reading them everyday, but I usually look back through when I do get the chance.

Anonymous said...

i thought i heard a note off key during the orchestra's playing of the "michael w. smith" was some tenor in far off land coughing? love that piece, think its called: one gift for my king? if i remember correctly...the "old wives tale/remedy" is to drink hot tea with honey&lemon in it. cassandra grew up with severe asthma (couging-caused me to carry peppermints of some sort all the time) in my luggage bag of inhalers, drugs & tissues all the time! shopping is almost done & had to regretfully use the plastic this year...have to mail the cards next, began baking the calories this week. i still feel like a pirate, but thank goodness dont look like one... PTL