Monday, December 06, 2010

Monday Moaning

Sure, it's a Monday morning, but I am moaning. What is going on with this cold or whatever we have? I think we are just passing the virus back and forth. I now have that pesky cough again. And Christmas concert season is about the worst time to get it. I made it through our concert last night, but I am not sure I contributed much.

I am coughing again right now. You go ahead and see my latest comments about the TSA.
It's off to the cardiologist later this morning. Today is merely the consultation when he decides which test(s) he wants to run. No, nothing frightening, just to set a baseline. However, my high cholesterol and triglycerides numbers made them decide to check me out. What a drag.

I don't wear shirt and tie much anymore. Right now, I am wearing them so I can showcase my collection of Christmas ties. Today is red with green Christmas trees. It doesn't really go with my blue polo, though. Oh come on. Of course I am not wearing a polo with a tie. You crazy.

We went to see KLIK's dog yesterday. Cute little puppy. She is a terrier mix. That reminds me of the terrier song from the movie Best in Show. I should find it and send it to them. They named her Molly because Bella was willing to give up an American Girls doll named Molly to get the dog for Christmas.

You know what? I am not finding a lot of words to write this morning, so let's knock off a little early. I hope to be back on my game by tomorrow. Thanks for spending a few minutes with me.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Yesterday, I wore my Christmas tie with snowflakes... and get this: it plays Jingle Bells! Surely you can use this as an inspiration for at least a few CoVs!