Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chef Walker?

That's right. Kathie was out at a school event last night and I needed to bring a green bean casserole to work today. So, I made it. It has a total of, what, five ingredients? Cooking instructions of maybe six steps. Still, I messed up a bit. I added the onion thingies on the top before I cooked it, and that was not what the instructions said. So, I scraped them off and then got back on track. We'll see today how well I did.

I wanted to use the Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief in a CoV today, but I didn't really end up following them exactly either.
So, we have a department pot luck today, and that is what I needed the casserole for. Our team had to bring rice or green bean dishes. Originally, we were slated for soft drinks, which I knew I could handle.

My EKG and heart ultrasound went fine yesterday. Now, I wait for the doc to review them. I still have to get the MRI (or whatever they use for the heart picture) and the stress test (Jan 3, I think) and a follow-up blood test. By the time I get all this done, if I do have any heart issues, they will have already happened. This could take longer than the dude in the cartoon above.

I hope our cat doesn't beat up the puppy this weekend. The cat is a bully, even to Morris. However, the cat is so fat now that probably the pup could run away just by walking.

Oh, with all the pot luck prep, I almost forgot that I still have my 8:30am call, so I reckon I should get ready for that. I'm going to leave you now and I trust you will not be picking at the food early, OK? There will be plenty, so be patient. Be patient. Don't be in such a hurry. Remember. Remember, that God is patient, too. Hmm. I cannot remember the rest of that song. Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow.

1 comment:

Brenda Walker said...

"and think of all the times when others had to wait for you" I had that tape when I was little and listened to it all the time. I guess that is why I am so patient now.