Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dropping By The Office

During this crazy holiday season, you have to really watch your company calendar to see when you need to be at work and when they give you a holiday. So, yesterday was a holiday, but today, it is business as usual...well, when usual means 80% of your customers are on vacation and most of your managers are, too. So, today, here I am.

Since I was off yesterday, we went to see TRON:Legacy in 3D. I definitely enjoyed it. Kathie and Ali both said they did, too. It was only in 3D while they were in the digital world and 2D for scenes based in our world. The effects were understated, though, so you might want to save the money. And they did a good job with the digitized younger Jeff Bridges, although it was still obvious that it was not real. Earlier in the week, we also saw The Social Network and it was excellent. Now, I want to see True Grit next.

Being back at work means I will publish a Clarity of Vision. This was inspired by the white elephant gift exchange we held at out department party.

You may have read about Kendall's classic comment in the car a couple of weeks ago. Everyone was out of the car except Kendall and Connor, but she did not know Connor was still in the car. She saw everyone outside and said, "Oh, great. They left me in the car alone again." So, on Christmas morning, we were over at their house for brunch. Kendall took me into the pantry to play with some of her toys. While we were sitting in there, she started pulling some books off the bookshelf for me to read to her and she dropped some. She said "Well, that's that." I asked what she meant, but she was already looking for additional books and I got no explanation.

I am trying to buy a computer off of craigslist, but the owner has not responded to my query. I hope it is still available. I did delay during the days around Christmas, so I may be too late.

I hear three others in the office so far. I would not have expected that many this early. Maybe today will be more like a normal workday than I would have guessed.

I tried to eat carefully during the holidays to prepare for my next blood test, but there are just so many sweets and carbs around. I did lose five pounds, but suspect my blood chemistry is little changed. We'll see in a couple of weeks.

The calendar entry for Christmas day:
Hark the Herald Angels Sin (in a Christmas mass directory, Orland Park, IL)

OK, it is time to do a little work. Plus, I need to check out what days we are off for New Years. I hope you get some days off, too. In any case, I'll be here tomorrow even if you won't.

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