Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Me and My Princess

Let's jump straight into today's comic strip. It is from a conversation I had with Kendall on Sunday. If you know her, you can easily imagine our talk. If you don't know her, it will still be a funny story which could apply to any adult-child discussion.
Are y'all watching Sing-off on NBC? We enjoyed several of the songs last night and were a little disappointed at who was kicked off. Not as surprised as when the Whiffenpoofs were eliminated, but we did like the group. If you enjoy a capella at all, watch it. I think it is on again Wednesday.

Christmas party at Chorale tonight. I don't know how much singing will be involved.

Tomorrow during lunchtime, I have a 30-min EKG test run. Sounds like a great time, right? I don't know if an ultrasound is included then or at a different test. I think that will be OK because I am sure I am not pregnant. No, the tests are part of a wellness check, not a diagnosed problem.

Molly is coming over for a visit later this week. We'll see if the little doggies get along. Get it? Get along, little doggies. No, you are probably too young. That's an old saying from movie Westerns. Maybe even from the Old West, although I don't actually remember them saying that when I was a young whippersnapper.

I loaded up the old iPod with more Christmas music, including the Jethro Tull Christmas album. It also have Chicago doing some Christmas songs, Manhattan Transfer, Glad, the Charlie Brown Christmas music, Mannheim Steamroller, Boyz II Men, First Call, and Take 6. That should last me until 10am or so. OK, maybe a bit longer.

Time for a bit of liquid refreshment. Today's morning beverage of choice is spiced tea courtesy of Mommy. I think it will have a bit less sugar than her delicious hot chocolate mix, and I'm trying to be gooder in my eating and drinking...at least until I finish these cardiac and cholesterol tests.

The lyrics of a First Call Christmas song are:
Oh, I'm glad we'll be together
On this evening in December.
We'll watch the falling snow
And hold each other close.

However, I will close with my own paraphrase. We'll get together again tomorrow. Bring your own beverage.
Oh, I'm glad we were together
On this morning in December.
We watched the rising sun
And held each other at arm's length because we just don't know each other that well.


Lewis said...

I thought you made up the Jethro Tull Christmas album, but I looked it up and there actually is one. I may have to check it out. Cute CoV. Good luck with your test.

Craig Weeks said...

I bought the original "Charlie Brown Christmas" DVD this weekend. It's run time is 25 minutes. Standard length for content in the 30-minute slot is now 22 minutes. You figure out what that means. The "making of" feature in the bonus material spent a little time addressing the music selection. Anyways, it's a classic and I am glad to have my own copy of the full original show. (Plus there is another CB Christmas program included that I have not yet watched.)

Keith said...

To Craig:
There's another Charlie Brown Christmas program?!? Doesn't that border on sacrilege?
Well, after you watch it, we will all be expecting a review right here on this public forum.

Praying for you Randy!

Craig Weeks said...

Well, Keith, I will be off work Dec 20-Jan 3. I am confident that I can fill your order but the actual schedule is TBD.

Craig Weeks said...

Ok, Keith, I watched it. It's called "It's Christmas Time Again, Charlie Brown". Just a few random observations:

1. Running time just over 22 minutes, copyrighted in 1992.
2. Linus provided a nice little commentary on I Samuel 26:20 and related it to "The Twelve Days of Christmas".
3. I don't think Charlie Brown made his appearance until 7.5 minutes in.
4. The writing was mostly pretty weak; the animation was done in China.
5. Does not hold a candle to the original 1965 production.
6. I was glad to see that they made use of the muted horn sounds for adult voices.

I would also like to point out that ABC aired "I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown!" tonight. It was first aired in 2003. So, there are at least 3 Peanuts show about Christmas, but none will ever surpass, or even match, the original 1965 show.

Craig Weeks said...

One other thing: the Chinese animators did a good job of maintaining the original way of animating walking. It's quite entertaining if you've never paid attention to it.

Anonymous said...

ok whippersnapper....good one!!so cute of the story of the princess dress; am reminded of "me & my shadow" (another comedian in the fam?)hope you do well on the test today...tell kathy hello, am sure she will be ready for christmas break by now! we are planning to see the zoo-lites next week, when kylee is out of school. well have to contiue reading with "2-eyes" although vision is straigned most of the time now cant complain of the Lords work/healing. as carol burnett says: "i'm so glad we had this time together"....sound of music: "so long, farewell". yes, am watching the sing-off (awck-a-pell-ahhhhh....)

Keith said...

Thanks for the review, Craig. Sounds like I probably won't be rushing out to find that one. I'll settle for a re-watch of the original.
Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about...