Thursday, December 02, 2010

Getting Back to PHX Temperatures

Today's high moves back to 75F. That feels more like a PHX holiday season. Our normal high for today is 69F, so this is a touch warmer than usual. Still, it does mean no jacket was required this morning.

Sometimes, these things happen. I shut down my machine last night before 5pm to go home. Nope, someone called and needed help. So, I rebooted and started helping, but two people came by while I was on the phone and I helped them. Then, I finished with the call. So, I started the shutdown process and someone else called needing assistance. OK, I rebooted once more and took care of their issue. My better half called while I was on this call wondering when I was coming home. Finally, I shut down my machine and hurried out before anyone else could come along.

Is that like the script for a sitcom? Maybe, but here is a possible game show premise.
Three meetings on schedule today. And a coworker wants to meet later to discuss testing and test plans. Sure, let's just try to get all this completed before I start shutting down my machine today, OK?

Dad needed his laptop last night, so we are currently computerless. It was not so long ago that that would not have been an issue. Now, we kind of wander around aimlessly. We did, however, watch Survivor. Did you see last night's episode yet? I was a bit surprised. Then we watched Lie To Me. Does Tim Roth always cock his head in all his roles? He never seems to hold his head straight in this show.

I had a weird dream last night. We held a family reunion, but somehow, Walkers from every state attended, and there was even a couple from Scotland. I don't know where it was being help, but there was a KFC beside the parking lot of the church. So, it could not have been held in the North Louisiana hometown. And it was arranged by an uncle who is now deceased. Over 2000 people were there. I remember it was great because I had a whole new audience for some old jokes. Then, the alarm went off and I don't know where the dream was going.

Right now, though, I have a dream that I will stay employed. So, let's split up and get twice as much done. We'll get together again soon. I promise.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Howdy, haven't read in a few days, getting up a little later for a little more sleep doesn't allow me as much time before work. I like the weird dream, I have strange ones almost every night. My word verification was flang, like "I flang my hat off when I got/get home."