Friday, December 10, 2010

Kendall's Third Birthday

Today is Kendall's third birthday. You may have guessed that already since I that is the title of today's post. I think there is a party this weekend. Yes, those two sentences are related. I meant I think there is a birthday party for Kendall during the weekend. Here is a photo of both girls earlier this year at Joe's Farm Grill in Gilbert, AZ. As you can see, Bella is trying to signal the waiter and Kendall is praying that Bella can get the waiter's attention. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Kendall!

I went to the doc yesterday about this nagging cough. Did I mention that I had a cough? So, he put me on an antibiotic and gave me some cough medicine. So, I took (probably more than) one dose last night and was able to stay in my bed to sleep. Do I feel better? Not yet, but I have hopes that I will recover sufficiently to at least sit with the Chorale on Sunday, if not sing.

A neighbor caught me outside yesterday and said he had not spoken to me in years since I belittled his dog the day before he died. I truly have no clue what he was talking about. Then, he said we had probably been spreading lies about them. Wow, to say I was surprised is an understatement. I recognized that some serious damage control was required. I let him know that we valued them as good neighbors (they were already in their house when we moved in over 25 years ago). I kept him talking with me for another 20 minutes and everything seemed OK when we parted. I will definitely talk more with him next time I see him instead of just waving. I am glad he made the effort to speak with me so I could try to repair the relationship. It just shows that you never know what goes on in other people's lives, nor the impact you can make with even a harmless statement.

Anyway, being on medicine that could cause drowsiness led to today's CoV. I wondered what people might notice if I did not go around and talk to them each day.

Did I mention I have a nagging cough?

At 10am, a dude is supposed to come by and see if we can get the Mac side of my machine configured so I can boot into Mac instead of Windows 7. The rest of our team that has Macs is already doing that, so I know it is feasible.

We are supposed to be up to around 83F by Sunday. Ahh, AZ winter. We can always tell the seasons by how much sunscreen we have to apply. Right now, it is just a little, so it is obviously near Christmas.

I am still trying to back off on carbs and sugars before I get my cholesterol tested again. I am not cutting them out, just being conscious of my choices. I will start walking briskly with the dog again once this nagging cough goes away. Did I mention I had a cough?

Oops. I was just pulled into work email without finishing my blog update. I try to keep the time separate so I can get y'all updated and freed up before I turn all work-focused on you. Now that I have broken that barrier, I will close out this week's blogs and turn some attention to job stuff. Have a great weekend and let's all come back refreshed and ready to git 'er done.


Craig Weeks said...

Wow. That's quite a story about your neighbor. I would have been shaken for sure. Did he just not get your brand of humor? I'm sure I really run that risk, especially on the Internet. I tell people: "I would never be deliberately mean or insulting online. If it can be taken as funny, it always should be. If I were really mad I would say nothing."

Zachary said...

I was impressed by your story as well. Thanks for sharing. Why Mr. Pink???

CrazyUncle said...

If you could see the entire figure, he is colored pink.